

Throughout my bodies of work, I use the female figure and focus closely on parts of the body, creating soft, surreal images. The images are based upon Laura Mulvey’s key thoughts on the male gaze, and how through fantasy imagery, the female figure is instantly idealized and immobilized. In Disfigured, I symbolize the shame that women experience over having imperfect bodies. The crumpled nature of the paper relates to experiences of defilement and inadequacy, as these images are treated as if they are not worthy of being treasured. Keepsake is a direct contrast to the aforementioned body of work, as it is thinking about the historical context of the image as a treasured object, and the contraposition of word and image. They resemble cherished images that would be given to romantic partners. The two series contrast with each other, showing the reality and an idealized form of societal actions.